Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TOPIC 3: Questions on Digital Design

1. In two paragraphs explain why a customer centric Web site design is so important, yet so difficult to accomplish.
Customer centric web site design is very important but is difficult to accomplish because consumers are ever changing. Customer centric websites are websites which basically are designed specifically for customers to cater for all their wants and needs (Pivarnik, 2000). A customer centric website is very important yet difficult to accomplish because the company has to aim the website to cater for the consumer’s wants and not necessarily what the company thinks the consumers want and need thus advertising products which are somewhat popular and not products which do not sell. The company needs to advertise products which consumers want and advertise them on the website (McGovern, 2006).

When designing a customer centric web site the website has to be easy to use. If the website is difficult to use then the consumer will not stay on the website very long (McGovern, 2006). When designing a customer centric web site the company has to ensure that the website is catering for the consumers needs of “convenience, speed ( doesn’t take long to download) and price (advertises the price)” (McGovern, 2006). This means that by having a website online the consumer can look at the website and either buy and enquires online about a product. The issue would be that if the website takes too long to download particular pages of certain products then the consumer will leave the website. By showing the price of products it gives the consumer an idea of the product. By not stating prices the consumer might become impatient since that might be the only reason they went onto the website in the first place (McGovern, 2006).

Pivarnik, C. (2000). Is Your Web Site Customer-Centric?. Retrieve on March 23, 2009 from the 4hb website: http://www.4hb.com/0520cpcustomercentric.html
McGovern, G. (2006).Catalog success. Retrieved on March 23, 2009 from the Catalog success website: http://www.catalogsuccess.com/article/e-commerce-10-tips-more-customer-centric-web-site-41482_1.html

2. Define the term 'presence'. Write an additional paragraph that describes why firms that do business on the Web should be more concerned about presence than firms that operate in the physical world.
The term presence can be defined as “being present; existence, occurrence or attendance at some place or in something” (Your dictionary.com, 2009). While looking at the ‘Your dictionary.com’ I found that this definition is what presence can mean in terms of websites and business.

In my opinion firms/businesses that do business over the internet on websites have to be more concerned about presence because consumers may not know about the businesses and would then most likely never search for that particular product/service. Online businesses have to be more aware of presence rather than businesses in the physical world because businesses in the physical world have shops and people can see the shop physically so it is easier for the business to be recognised. Businesses that are online have to advertise and try and make sure they become present and have a presence in consumers’ minds since a consumer is unlikely to know about the business if they have not made an impact.

Your dictionary. (2009). Presence. Retrieved March 23, 2009 from Your dictionary website: http://www.yourdictionary.com/presence

3. Write three paragraphs to briefly describe the things that Real Estate Agents can best accomplish through (1) their web sites (2) Mass media advertising (3) Personal contact
Real estate agents use websites since most people use the internet to find out information. With people using the internet more real estate agents have caught onto the idea and used it to advertise property, houses, land and other things so consumers can see the product and not have to leave their home or work. This is easier for the customer since they can look at the website anytime and see if there is anything they are interested in, instead of physically going to a house or property which does not interest them. Such websites as Netlab show real estate agents/companies what should be on a website to increase sales. Such suggestions as having virtual tours, pictures and information about the house/property allows the agents to cater for the needs of the consumers by given them such information which lets the consumer a) see the house through tours and b) know what the house has to offer (Netlab, 2009). This allows busy work people look at the websites and homes in their own time and not have to worry about office times and looking through houses they would not want.

Netlab. (2009). Website Design Services for Real Estate Agents. Retrieved March 23, 2009 from the Netlab website: http://www.netlab.com.au/real-estate-website-design.htm

Mass media advertising:
In my opinion Real estate agents use mass media to advertise not only their business to receive recognition but to show potential buyers houses which might interest them. The best way agents can use mass media is to advertise their company on television, the radio, the newspaper and catalogues. In most local newspapers there are pictures of houses for sale in the newspaper which give the consumer a description of the house and a price. Potential clients can look at these pictures and see if they are interested in what the agents/business is offering. Although by using mass media such as television this give the business recognition because consumers physically see the business and can put an image into the consumers mind about the business. This can cause the consumer to look further into the business and what they are offering.

Personal contact:
In my opinion real estate agents use person contact to create a relationship with the client to make the client feel comfortable. Personal contact allows the real estate agent to be able to see what the client is looking for and is able to give help in the way of searching for things in their clients’ price range. Personal contact is in a way allows the agent to have a personal one on one contact with the client and are able to try and cater for their needs and wants.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 2 questions: Navigation

Part 1 - Navigation. One of the biggest challenges for businesses and customers alike is navigating the Internet. This week please -

1) Listen to the podcast on Navigation which can be found on the Digital Enterprise Page (Google - the digital enterprise). a) What are the four (4) main points Michael Rappa makes about search? Please write them on your blog page.After listening to the podcast by Michael Rappa the four main points that he made about search were that:
· When searching for information on the internet there is a lot of information out there on the internet. This is because data is being created on a daily basis (Rappa, 2005). Data/information which has been created may not have much relevance due to the storage of data is very cheap (Rappa, 2005). With data being not expensive this causes a lot of data/information on the internet not necessarily being significant. Rapper also states that oppose to 50 years ago information/data was hard to find and was expensive, but with data being not expensive this means there’s more information out there. (Rappa, 2005)

· Search engines search the key phrase or question and then display the website addresses in a list. There are generally millions of websites to choose from. But search engines display about 12 websites to a page. The first page is generally paid placements. (Rappa, 2005)

· Another point which Rappa makes is that the internet is a major part of search. This is through the use of search engines that help search for information. Companies have paid search engines to put their websites/advertisement on some of the first pages of search engines to receive more recognition. Generally people only look at the first page which appears on the search engine. So with paying a search engine to make their website appear on the first page this is beneficial to the company. Paid placement would cause presumption that the company would not abuse their position. (Rappa, 2005)

· Searching through a search engines such as Google and yahoo help people search for information. Although there is a problem which is that search engines cannot collect all the information available on the internet (Rappa, 2005). The data on the internet increases everyday but this does not mean the data base has all the information. Search engines do not always have every part of data that is available on the internet.(Rappa, 2005)

Rappa,M.(2005). Managing the Digital Enterprise. Retrieved on March 10, 2009 from the Digital Enterprise website: http://digitalenterprise.org/navigation/nav.html

b) Watch or read the Marissa Mayer interview. Write a paragraph or two, on four points made by Marissa Mayer, that you think were the most interesting or significant for business. There are no right or wrong answers here; I just want your opinion.

Melissa Mayer is the vice president of search products and user experience at Google. Melissa Mayer made a few interesting points concerning business. The points I found most interesting were:
· By using her experience at Google Mayer talked about how they created the prototype. She discussed how they used the feedback and information gathered from users of the prototype to see if it satisfied their needs. They also used this information to see where they need to improve (Mayer, 2009). Businesses have to do this to see where they need to improve their product and even to see if the product is successful. If companies do not use the feedback that they obtain then the company might hit some obstacles and not know how to deal with issues surrounding a particular product or service. Companies need to satisfy consumer’s needs and wants or consumers would not buy or use the product/service. (Mayer, 2009)
· Mayer also talked about advertisements on the internet. Businesses can pay such internet sites/businesses like Google to advertise their business since people browse search engines. People browse search engines and may pay attention to ads being advertised. Mayer states “the amount of attention that a user pays on each page...is fundamentally different” (Mayer, 2009). This means that when ads appear on search engines when people are searching information the ads might only attract or catch the focus of a few people but not everyone. Companies can use this information to their advantage by having advertisements on the internet that attract the user’s attention. (Mayer, 2009)
· Throughout the interview Mayer talks about Google in other countries (their effect in other countries). Google can be accessed from any country. Although Google launched a different product in India and Brazil which was more successful in those countries then the US. (Mayer, 2009). This is important for companies due to by introducing product in another country it extend recognition. Although the company needs the resources to attempt such international marketing to be successful. While doing this the company has to research the country and see what/who their main competition are (Mayer, 2009).
· Mayer also stated an important issue which is that there are not many women engineers. This shows women should try and break into this industry since there is a minority of women who are engineers. I found this rather interesting because there is a big opportunity for women to become engineers. (Mayer, 2009).

Mayer,M.(2009).Marissa Mayer on Charlie Rose: The future of google, Future of search. Retrieved March 10, 2009 from the Tech Crunch website: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/03/06/marissa-mayer-on-charlie-rose-the-future-of-google/

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Topic one questions:
1. Internet risks – give examples of four things that can go wrong with a transactional site?
There are many internet risks when it comes to making a transaction over the internet. Such examples are when making a transaction over the internet the website has to have some encryptions to ensure that private information and details are protected. (Living internet, 2009)
Security is a major risk when making a transaction on a transaction website. The website has to be secure to make sure that all your information is safe and won’t be spread over the internet or misuse of information. (Living internet, 2009)
Another risk is that the website has to be authentic. If the website does not look authentic then the chances are that it is not. When making transactions over the internet people have to make sure they can trust the website which they are making a transaction with. Such as if the website has no information about the company as such then the website may not be authentic. If there is not information about the company anywhere else on the internet there is a chance it is not authentic. (Living internet, 2009)
Fraud is another risk. Fraud is a major issue due to since the transaction is made over the internet if the website is not proper then money can be taken. If the website is fraudulent, money is at risk and card details could be misused by the fraudulent person charging things to the account. (Living internet, 2009).

Living internet.(2009)Financial Transaction on the web. Retrieved on March 8, 2009 from the Iiving internet website: http://www.livinginternet.com/w/wa_buy.htm

2. Write down a definition for each:
a) E-commerce: E-commerce is when there are transactions over the internet which transfers information. E-commerce can exchange goods or services over the internet without having to worry about time and distance. E-commerce allows businesses to make transactions over the internet. (Network solutions, 2007).

Network solutions.(2007). E-commerce. Retrieved on March 7, 2009 from the Network Solutions website. http://ecommerce.networksolutions.com/ecommerce_what_is_ecommerce.asp

b) E-business: E-business is using technology such as the “internet to improve business processes” (Northern Territory Government, 2006). E-business is when a company uses the internet to “communicate with suppliers, customers, employees and partners” (Dictionary, 2009) without having to physically having to have physical contact.

Dictionary.(2009). Retrieved on March 7, 2009 from the Encarta website:http://uk.encarta.msn.com/dictionary_1861819452/e-business.html

Northern Territory Government.(2006). Business. Retrieved on March 7, 2009 from the Northern Territory government website: http://www.nt.gov.au/business/services.cfm?contentid=39&cat5id=3

3. What is the difference between buy side and sell side eCommerce?
The difference between buy side e-commerce and sell side e-commerce is the buy side of e-commerce is when a business buys from another business such as a manufacturer (Oracle, n.a). Where as sell side e-commerce is when a business sells a product or service over the internet through a website(Oracle, n.a). Generally buy side e-commerce buys products from the internet where as sell side e-business sells on the internet.

Oracle.(n.a). Whats the difference between e-business and e-commerce. Retrieved on March 9, 2009 from the Inquirer website: http://www.inquirer.net/infotech/oct99wk3/info_7.htm

4. Describe the different types of eBusiness.
There are many different types of ebusinesses such as:
· B2B: Business to business: Is when a business sells a product to another business such as a manufacturer selling to a distributor and a wholesaler to a retailer (Digitsmith, 2006).
· B2C: Business to consumer: Business to consumer is when a business sells to an actual consumer. Such businesses are amazon which sells products to consumers via the internet.
· C2B: Consumer to business: This is when a consumer wants a certain product or service which they display what they want and their budget. This allows businesses to present their bid and allows the consumer to choose which business they want to use.
· C2C: Consumer to consumer: This is when a consumer can buy or sell products over the internet to other consumers. E-bay is an example such as consumers try and buy or sell their items over the internet and people can bid for the items.
· G2G: Government to government: The government sells to another government. The government exchanges information with another government (Digitsmith, 2006).
· C2G: Consumer to government. This is when consumers tell the government their thoughts and opinions through pressure groups (Knox, 2009).
· G2B: Government to business: This is when the government charges the business tax. The internet can be used to lodge tax returns.
· B2G: Business to Government: This is when a business tells the government their thoughts and opinions which might be through a lobby group.
· G2C: Government to consumer: This is when the government charges the consumer tax and the consumer can lodge their tax return over the internet(Knox, 2009.pg 13).

Digitsmith.(2006). Ecommerce definition and types of e-commerce. Retrieved on March 7, 2008 from the Digitsmith website: http://www.digitsmith.com/ecommerce-definition.html

Knox, I.(2009). Introduction to e-business. Powerpoint presentation pg 13

5. Which digital technology has the highest penetration rate? Explain and source your answer.
The digital technology which has the highest penetration rate is mobile phones. Mobile phones have the highest penetration rate since most people have a mobile or even more then one mobile phone. According to Moco news.net the penetration rate globally is 61.1%. This shows that mobiles are increasingly popular and increasing globally (Pearce, 2009).

Pearce .J.(2009). Report: 4.1 Billion Mobile Subscribers Worldwide Helps Reduce Digital Divide (Slightly). Retrieved March 8, 2009 from the Moco news website: http://www.moconews.net/entry/419-4.1-billion-mobile-subscribers-mobile-helping-reduce-digital-divide-sli/

6. List::Four drivers to adoption of sell-side e-commerce by business.
The four drivers to adopt the sell side of e-commerce are that:
· By using the selling side of e-commerce there are a few benefits such as the marketing cost are reduced due to the sales and advertising is done online. (Knox, 2009. Pg 17)
· There is an increase in revenue such as selling to new customers, repeat selling to customers and cross selling to customers. (Knox, 2009. Pg 17)

· There is a reduction of administrative costs invoice payments. This is a benefit because with less administrative costs this allows the business to make more money and less time consuming. (Knox, 2009. Pg 17)

· Supply chain reduction is a driver since there is a shorter time to order and receive stock to sell to the customer. This is a driver due to the business does not have to have the stock in hand but can order the stock when an order comes through. (Knox, 2009. Pg 17)

Knox,I. (2009). Introduction to e-business. Powerpoint presentation. Retrieved from page 17.

7. Four barriers to adoption of sell-side e-commerce by business.
There are certain barriers which cause businesses to opt not to adopt the sell-side of e-commerce. Such barriers are:
· The start up cost of an e-business company can be a barrier due to the start up price. (Knox, 2009. Pg 20)
· Time and resources can become an issue due to the business may not have the time to dedicate to the online business. A business may not have the resources to pay for or continue to run an online business. (Knox, 2009. Pg 20)
· Lack of knowledge. If the business does not have the basic understanding on the internet then the businesses would most likely not be profitable to be online. If the business does not know how to work the internet or have programs so people can purchase online the business would not succeed. (Knox, 2009. Pg 20)
· Reluctance of suppliers would become a barrier due to if the company does not sell the items to the business through online then that would become an issue. If the business cannot get a supplier which supplies online or even a supplier at all then the
business would be in trouble. (Knox, 2009. Pg 20)

Knox,I. (2009). Introduction to e-business. Powerpoint presentation. Retrieved from page 20.

8. How might a restaurant in Sturt Street Ballarat benefit from an online presence?
A restaurant in Sturt Street would benefit by having an online presence because people use the internet to search for almost everything. If the restaurant had a website people who look up the website on the internet to check for certain things such as the phone number or even a menu. The restaurant would benefit more by having a website since when looking up restaurants in the area the restaurant would appear allowing more recognition. A website gives general information and allows the observer to look at the website and see what kind of experience the restaurant offers. (Knox, 2009. Pg 21)

Knox,I. (2009). Introduction to e-business. Powerpoint presentation. Retrieved from page 21.

9. What are some examples of Digital information??
The different examples of digital information are:
· Cd’s
· DVD’s
· Digital camera
· Mobile phones
· The internet
· Digital television
Digital information is information which can be changed and altered “without losing quality” (Digital, 2009).

Digital.(2009) Retrieved on March 8, 2009 from the tech terms website:http://www.techterms.com/definition/digital

10. What is the semantic web? Are we there yet?
The semantic web is ideally more direct and more useful for users. The reason for this is that the semantic web ideally finds information and data which is relevant to what the user wants. When comparing the semantic web to the world wide web, the world wide web finds general information based on a request but not necessarily what the users wants. The semantic web is meant to be more accurate of a request.(Altova, 2009). By reading some of the information about the semantic web there does not seem to be a big demand or alot of recognition about the products. Needless to say there are semantic web products available people have not necessarily caught onto the concept. The use of search engines presumably dominates over the semantic web.

Altova.(2009). What is the semantic web? Retrieved on March 7, 2009 from the Altova website:http://www.altova.com/semantic_web.html

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My first Blog

So this is my first blog. Well where should i start? Well this blog shall be used to post questions concerning my business class which is rather interesting and a different way to show our learning and work. So this is techically my 3rd year at Ballarat university but i have about 18 months left of my degree. I changed from commerce to business which is mostly why i have an extra 6 months. Well thats all for now.