Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 4 questions: Analytics

1) Looking at the site useage, what does the terms visits, page views and pages/visit mean? What does the bounce rate mean and does it vary much from day to day? By looking at the Analytical website the term visit means how many people have visited the website. There were 348 people who visited the OZRURAL site. The page views mean how many times the page has been viewed. In this case the page had been viewed 571 times. ( As from April 2, 2009) This will vary. Bounce rate is generally when the user/viewer goes to a different page or site from that site. The bounce rate does vary from day to day such as the average rate was 70.69%. On Monday the 2nd of March the bounce rate was 53.85% where as on Wednesday the 1st of April the bounce rate of OZRURAL was 83.33% according to the Google Analytic website. (Google, 2009).

Google.(2009). Google Analytics. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

2) Now look at the traffic sources report. What are the three sources of traffic and where has most of the traffic come from? The three sources of traffic are direct traffic, referring sites and Search engines. Most of the traffic comes from Search engines which consist of 75.86%. Direct traffic is 20.40% and referring sites is 3.74%. The main search engine which gives most traffic to the OZRURAL site is Google. (Google, 2009).

Google.(2009). Traffic source overview. Retrieved from:

3) What was the most popular web browser used to access the site?The most popular web browser is Internet explorer. 240 people used Internet Explorer, 75 used Fire Fox, 19 Safari, 13 used Chrome and 1 used Mozilla. Internet explorer is the most popular web browser because it is the most used and common. (Google, 2009).

Google.(2009). Visitors Overview. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

4) How many countries did visitors to OZRURAL come from and what were the top three countries?
On the 1st of April 2009 the website states that there were 20 different countries which visited OZRURAL. The top 3 countries which visited the OZRURAL website was Australia with 238, The United States which had 52 and Canada which had 16. (Google, 2009).

Google.(2009). Map overlay. Retrieved on April 2, 2009 from:

5) Having clicked every possible link on my analytics, make a few comments on
(a) What you can track, On the website you can track:

· Visits
· Page views
· Time on site
· Bounce rate
· Traffic source
· List of countries that the user comes from
· User overview

(b) What you can track over time

· Number of visits
· Number of times pages have been visited
· How long people spend on a page
· Number of countries which visit the website
· Bounce rate
(c) What you can’t track.
· The gender of the user
· The direct location of the user
· Age of the user

6) What do the following terms mean? These are just a few, you may like to add some more and perhaps include them on the Moodle glossary

.high bounce rate:High bounce rate means how many times a user/person left the website after entering. Generally this means the website isn’t relevant and the user might not return to the website.

Google.(2009). What does Bounce Rate mean? Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

key words: In the context of the internet keywords are when searching for a website keywords allow the user to find a relevant website that contains the keywords which the user is looking for.

Average Page Depth:Average page depth means on average the user visits pages on a site.

Google.(2009). Average page depth. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

click through rate:Click through rate is when a user clicks “on an ad then divided by the number of times the ad is shown” (google, 2009).

Google.(2009). Click through rate. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

click:Click means pressing a button on a mouse.

Cookie:Cookies are stored data such as small text files which is data about websites visited. (Keane, 2003).

Keane, T., Lawson, J., Kitchen, T. & Stortell, A.(2003). Information processing and management. Southbank, Vic, Australia:Nelson Australia

Impression:Impression is viewing a website or looking at an advertisement.

Encyclo.(2009). Impression. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from

Hyperlink:A Hyperlink is a text or image that when a user/person clicks onto it the hyperlink takes then user directing to the website. (Encyclo, 2009).

Encyclo.(2009). Hyperlink. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

Navigation:Navigation is when a person goes to a website through an internet browser. (Everland, 2009).

Everlands.(2009). Web design and hosting. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

Pageview:Is when the internet page is viewed.

Session:A session is how long the user is on the website for.

Unique Visitors (or Absolute Unique Visitors):Unique visitor is when the website identifies the user using an IP address (Encyclo, 2009).

Encyclo.(2009). Unique visitors. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

URL:This stands for Universal Resource Locator. This “identifies a file is on the internet” (Everlands, 2009).

Everlands.(2009). Web design and hosting. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from:

Visitor:A visitor is a user/person who visits a website.

Visitor Session:A visitor session is the amount of time a user/person spends on a website.

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