Sunday, May 24, 2009

Week 10: Trust

a) Have a look at the following websites. What are some of the elements that have been incorporated to increase your trust in the sites? If there are also some aspects which decrease your level of trust describe them as well.
Ebay have certain elements which have been incorporated to increase trust such as having certain precautions as:
· Having Trust and Safety area on the website which consumers/buyers/sellers can read which explains precautions eBay has placed to protect clients.
· eBay has a feedback area which allows buyers and sellers to tell eBay about their experience and fairness of transactions.
· When making a transaction eBay recommends using such payment programs as Paypal which protects both the seller and the buyer.
· eBay have placed a security centre so people can have guidance when purchasing or selling items.
Ebay is rather formal which gives consumers and sellers more sense of trust. When a website looks rather professional and states how to be protected there is more of a sense of trust (eBay, 2009).

ANZ is a banking website which needs to give its clients and potential clients a sense of trust. ANZ has client’s details and banking details over the internet which causes a sense of worry. ANZ has to have precautions to ensure that clients feel that their information is protected. The bank has precautions such as:
· Security and privacy statements
· ANZ privacy statement
· Information explaining bout personal information
· Information about information collected
· The collection of the IP address
· Use and disclosure of information
This ensures clients feel safe and know what is happening with their information (ANZ, 2007).

Paypal is a transaction site which deals with sellers and buyers of products. Trust needs to be in place since there is a transaction of money. Such precautions Paypal uses to ensure clients trust are:
· An overview of the process
· What information is collected
· The use and disclosure of information
· Information security
· Accessing and changing information
· How to contact the company
Overall there has to be trust within these websites because these websites are all dealing with transactions. If a website does not look professional and does not evoke trust then people would not want to make a transaction (Paypal, 2009).

b) Find a web site yourself that you think looks untrustworthy.
There are a few websites which I have looked into that seem trustworthy in which they look professional but yet there are still some sense of doubt. Certain websites which I have looked into such as TV series on DVD show that while the website looks good do not necessarily mean that everything is legitimate. I’ve looked at these sites and made a decision that i would not purchase the items because of my sense of doubt.

Paypal.(2009).Policies. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from:

eBay.(2009). About eBay. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from:

ANZ.(2007). Website security. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from:

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